
My research interestes lie (mainly) in the field of theoretical cosmology. In particular I am working with the Cosmic Microwave Background, its secondary anisotropies, and large scale cosmic structure to understand fundamental physics such as dark matter, neutrinos and the expansion of the Universe.

Current Projects

Testing structure formation using cross-correlation of ACT lensing with the unWISE galaxy survey

Using reconstructions of the gravitational lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Bakcground (CMB) from observations made with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and surveys of the galaxy distributions from the unWISE survey we probe the amplitude of structure growth in the universe.

Past Projects

Probing ultra-light axions with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect

see here for associated publication

Determining H0 without reference to the sound horizon

There are three publications associated with this work. Two led by Oliver Philcox (Paper I and Paper III) and one led by myself (Paper II).

Confirming point source flux callibration for multiple groundbased microwave experiments

see here for associated publication